Knowledge Base > Nutrition > What Our Body Needs > Lipids


The Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids are essential building blocks for our body.


The long chain Omega-3s from animals, such as EPA and DHA, are crucial for proper brain development and function, as well as many other bodily structures.


Omega-6s are necessary for brain, hormone, and nervous system function.


The ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 Fatty Acids in our diet is extremely important. Too low of a ratio, meaning a large Omega-6 and small Omega-3 intake, leads to many modern diseases as well as chronic inflammation. In order to maintain a good ratio:

  • Eat plenty of EPA and DHA by regularly consuming
    • Whole Wild Caught Fish
    • Wild Caught Fish Eggs
    • Wild Caught Fish Liver (Ex: Cod Liver and Fermented Cod Liver Oil)
    • Pasture Raised Egg Yolks
  • Avoid the following foods
    • Seed and Vegetable Oils (Ex: Canola and Soybean Oil)
    • Factory Farmed, Grain Fed Meat

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