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The perfect diet provides the body all that it needs to operate properly. Unfortunately, due to depleted soil and high levels of toxins, it is necessary to supplement some critical components.



J. Crow’s Lugol’s Solution: Drop about two droppers into a few ounces of water. Add unrefined salt.


Magnesium Oil Spray: Spray 10-20 times on as much skin as possible before bed.

Or, soak feet in hot water with one cup of dissolved Magnesium Chloride flakes for 20 minutes.


Borax: Boron, in the form of Sodium Borate, is taken at 1/8 of a teaspoon per day. Add this to your Iodine shot to make things easier.


Full Spectrum

For a good dose of 6 important organs, take at least 3 per day.

Liver, Brain, Pancreas, Spleen, Heart, Kidneys


If severe fatigue/lethargy is normal, start with 3 and work up to 6 per day. As energy levels come back, less will be needed as a maintenance dose. I take one per day.

Desiccated Bovine Thyroid


If caffeine has been used in excess for long periods of time, start with 3 and work up to 6 per day. Abstain from caffeine during this period. Less will be needed as a maintenance dose.

Bovine Adrenals


Men Only: For a noticeable testosterone boost, take 2-3 per day.

Bovine Testicle and Prostate

Fermented Cod Liver Oil

Add two teaspoons to about an ounce of milk per day.

Oil from Fermented Wild Caught Cod Liver


Vitamin D

Adults should aim for about 8,000 IU of Vitamin D per day. This can be achieved with enough dietary cholesterol and about 4-6 hours of sun per day. In case that is not possible, prioritize getting Vitamin D from high quality animal fat. Good sources are

  • Fish Roe: 17,000 IU per tablespoon

  • Tallow or Lard: varies greatly

  • Fermented Cod Liver Oil: 3,450 IU per tablespoon

  • Salmon: 1000+ IU per 100g

Vitamin C

Use a dessicated natural version of Vitamin C rather than lab grown Ascorbic Acid because it is more bioavailable and less toxic. Periodically take about a teaspoon into a glass of water. I do this maybe once a week.

Acerola Powder

Amino Acids


Add one teaspoon to freshly brewed Chamomile tea before bed.

Note: This is lab grown Glycine so it has several downsides, such as possibly poor bioavailability. Either way you will absorb some of it, and it tastes good!

The real way to acquire glycine, collagen, and gelatin is through bone broth.

Glycine Powder