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Regularly eating brain helps repair and build your own brain. Eat either fresh brain or a dessicated organ supplement that includes brain.


Our brain runs better on ketones than glucose. Keeping yourself in a state of nutritional ketosis, where insulin is low and the liver is producing ketones as the primary energy source, gives your brain a highly efficient energy source that allows it to operate at its highest levels.

Saturated Fat and EPA/DHA

Our brain is mostly fat, and requires a lot of dietary fat in order to build and repair itself. Eating brain is great, but more fat is also needed. Ways to feed your brain:

  • Cook with Tallow
  • Eat Fish Roe, Whole Fish, and Fatty Steaks
  • Take Fermented Cod Liver Oil daily

Halogen Optimization

Minimize the toxic halogens, and maximize the beneficial halogen.


All three of the following are not used by the body and compete with Iodine for use.


Fluorine, most commonly found in drinking water and toothpaste as Sodium Fluoride, is neurotoxic and severely impairs proper brain function. It also accumulates in the Pineal Gland, inhibiting thinking. Do not drink fluoridated water or use fluoridated toothpaste in order to avoid “Fluoride Brain”.


Bromine, most often found in flour, is also damaging to many body structures.


Chlorine, most commonly found in drinking water, destroys organisms in the gut. Do not confuse the compounds used to disinfect drinking water with Sodium Chloride, table salt, which contains two necessary macro minerals.



Iodine is a vital mineral, needed by every cell in the body. The Thyroid needs Iodine to make its hormones, which are used to regulate the body’s metabolism. Poor thyroid performance, often caused by too many toxic halogens and not enough Iodine, leads to poor brain performance, among many other effects.



Meditation is pure focus practice. Each time you return your attention back to your breath, you complete another focus rep. Doing a lot of reps, over a long period of time, yields massive improvements in cognition.

Dopamine Fasting

A Dopamine Fast is a set period of time where activities that produce dopamine are avoided.

The modern smart phone, with all of its internet connected apps, is designed to produce the most dopamine possible to keep you addicted to checking and using it. This throws off the dopamine threshold in your brain, causing activities which should be enjoyable, like reading a long book, to be too boring and not stimulating enough. Since our attention is constantly pulled in different directions, we are training ourselves to have a short attention span.

Turn off all but the most necessary notifications on your phone, and try to set aside a period of each day to be as phone and distraction free as possible.

Read Books

Reading full length books is another way to practice focus, and accumulate wisdom. This should begin after the diet is optimized, as reading will be much easier.