Knowledge Base > Mental


Never take SSRIs or other depression medication. They only cover over some of the symptoms without treating the actual cause.


The main cause of depression is a lack of serotonin, which is mostly produced in the gut.

  • Follow a diet low in Lectins
    • Lectins are a set of proteins in many foods such as grains, legumes, and seeds that destroy the lining of the gut. This allows objects to pass uninhibited into the blood stream, wreaking havoc on the entire body.
  • Follow a diet low in Carbohydrates and Vegetable Oils
    • Carbohydrates feed gut flora that promote a dysbiotic biome. Eating a small amount of Carbohydrates allows a symbiotic gut biome to flourish, thereby creating more serotonin.
    • Carbohydrates and Vegetable Oils increase inflammation in the body, including the brain. Inflammation in the brain is strongly associated with depression.
  • Eat Fermented Foods
    • Fermented foods with live cultures add symbiotic organisms to your gut biome, boosting your immune system and all other systems that rely on the gut.
  • Avoid Chlorinated Water
    • Chlorine containing substances are used to kill life in water in order to purify it. When we drink tap water, it also kills the life in our gut. Only drink Reverse Osmosis filtered, distilled, or uncontaminated mineral water.


  • Adequate sun exposure is necessary for general wellbeing. 30 minutes of direct sun exposure on as much skin as possible near solar noon is the minimum requirement.
  • UVA exposure increases Nitric Oxide in the body, dilating blood vessels and allowing more blood to flow to the brain.


Nutritional deficiencies, such as lack of long chain Omega-3s like EPA and DHA, contribute to degeneration of the brain.


Regular exercise of any type (aerobic, resistance, flexibility) reduces depressive symptoms and increases positive self image.

Dopamine Fast

Dopamine Fasting reduces anxiety and increases cortex activity.


Maintaining and strengthening human connection is crucial to a satisfying life.


Sleeping is how the brain repairs, so getting enough quality sleep is essential.