Knowledge Base > Cleanse


An oxidizer is anything that promotes an oxidative reaction. While there are several popular oxidizers, we will focus solely on Chlorine Dioxide (CD) as it is the most effective at cleansing the body, and is also very affordable.

CD is the weakest of all the oxidizers in our body and so it has only very minor effects on healthy human cells, but has a profoundly large effect on pathogenic substances. This is due to a shockingly simple generalization:

Harmful substances are negatively charged

Oxidizers have a positive charge and will attract and neutralize or kill negatively charged harmful substances such as bacteria, fungi, or parasites.

CD also neutralizes toxic heavy metals, such as Mercury and Aluminum, and allows them to exit the body. The exact mechanism of this effect is hotly debated, but not quite understood yet.

It is clear that CD is an effective overall cleaner that should be incorporated into any cleanse protocol.


The guiding advice for using CD is:

Low and Slow

Rather than diving in to large doses, start at very low doses, and slowly work up. Imagine that doses of CD are like the weights on a barbell; You must work up to your full potential, starting low.


We highly recommend sourcing ready-to-mix CD kits as they are affordable and very simple. See Products section.

These kits are comprised of two bottles:

  1. Sodium Chlorite (~25%)
  2. Hydrochloric Acid (~4%)

The ingredients must be separated because CD is not stable and breaks down quickly. All that is required to make CD is to mix one part NaClO2 with one part HCl, and wait 30 seconds for the color to turn amber, or dark yellow.

Once the solution has been allowed to sit for 30 seconds, dilute with pure water (distilled, reverse osmosis, or verified clean spring water) to a concentration of 1oz. water per 1 drop CD.

We consider one “drop” of CD to be one drop of NAClO2 and one drop of HCl mixed together.

Only ever do this in glass, as metal will oxidize easily, and plastic of course should not be used with food.

This diluted CD with water solution should be ingested immediately because it begins losing potency as soon as it’s mixed.

While you can premix the day’s 8 doses and store them in a glass jar that seals well, it is recommended to mix a fresh batch each time.

In Summary, the process to make Chlorine Dioxide:

  1. Mix one part NaClO2 wih one part HCl
  2. Let sit for 30 seconds
  3. Dilute to 1oz. water per 1 drop CD


Keep in mind our guiding principle of “Low and “Slow” when considering the dosing amount.

A simple guideline is the following: Start at one drop per day. Add an additional drop each day until the Full Oral Dose is reached. This dose is determined by the following formula:

Weight in pounds / 5

For example, if you weigh 100lb, your full dose is 100 / 5 = 20 drops each day.

Note that you may be able to or want to go far above this number, but it is a useful starting point.

Dosing Schedule

During the day, you will take one eighth of your daily dose, eight times, spread out in one hour intervals.

For a simple example, you can take each one eighth dose at the top of each hour starting at 8AM and ending at 3PM.

You may eat in between any of these hours, but very large meals are not recommended until at least two hours after the dosing window.

If you experience a strong healing reaction, do not increase the dose. Instead cut the dose in half until the symptoms subside, after which the dose can be increased.

Once you reach your full dose, you may continue the cleanse for as long as you like. While CD is amazing, it will not remove all the harmful bacteria, parasites, fungi, and heavy metals from your body immediately. Many stories have shown people taking CD for 1-3 years before they had fully reduced their toxic load to a healthy level.


CD, being an oxidizer, is completely neutralized by antioxidants. Most antioxidants are active for many hours inside our body, during which time any CD ingested will be nearly useless.

No antioxidants should be ingested in the 8 hour dosing window, as any antioxidant will render the relatively weak oxidizer, CD, ineffective. Only ingest antioxidants 2 hours after the dosing window, but not much more, to ensure they are processed out of your body before the next day’s dosing window.

Examples of antioxidant rich foods that should be avoided:

  • Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Kombucha
  • Citrus fruits
  • Tropical fruits

In addition, any supplement that contains antioxidants, or antioxidant direct precursors, should be avoided as well. Some common examples include:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Glutathione
  • NAC


KVLab - Chlorine Dioxide

Also, use the product(s) from the Colon Cleanse to clear out the intenstines of all parasites, which will accumulate over the course of the cleanse.


MMS Health Recovery Guidebook - Jim Humble

Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism - Kerri Rivera