Knowledge Base > Cleanse


The kidneys are two bean shaped organs, roughly the size of a fist, located right below the rib cage, one on each side of your body. Properly functioning kidneys filter roughly half a cup of blood per minute, removing waste and extra water to produce urine. Urine flows out of the kidneys into the bladder through tubes called the ureters. Kidneys also maintain the critical balance of salt, potassium, and acid, as well as hormones to produce red blood cells and grow tissues.

Their main purpose is to keep the blood pure and healthy and maintain proper fluid balance. If the kidneys are not able to separate enough urine from the blood, that urine will continue circulating around the body and deposit waste products into joints, tissues, and organs. Skin diseases, body odor, water retention, lymph congestion, abdominal swelling, and high blood pressure are indications of toxic blood caused by, in large part, the presence of obstructive sand crystals and stones in the kidneys.


These stones in the kidneys start off as microscopic crystals, but can build into golf ball sized sharp rocks. Even at their tiniest size, crystals block the flow of liquid through the narrow kidney tubules, impeding the filtering ability of the kidneys. As these crystals, or stones, move through the kidneys, through the ureters, and into the bladder, their jagged structure will tear away the soft tissue that they pass through.

These are the main types of stones:

  • Oxalates. The intake of too much oxalic acid can cause oxalate stones. Black tea, chocolate, and leafy greens are high in oxalic acid and thus should not be consumed excessively.
  • Urates. Uric acid crystals are formed when the body has too much uric acid and the kidneys can’t filter all of it. This waste continues through the blood and precipitates in joints and the toes mainly, causing gout and arthritic conditions.
  • Phosphates. Phosphate stones form by eating too many foods high is phosphatic acid, such as soda.


Since the kidneys are responsible for clearing toxic substances and maintaining balance of fluids and electrolytes, impaired function due to stones causes higher levels of heavy metals and overall toxicity. This leads to infection, high blood pressure, heart disease, brain disorders, and more. Cleansing the kidneys once or twice a year has great curative and preventive benfits on overall health, especially in reducing stress, fear, and anxiety.


There are a variety of herbs that dissolve kidney stones slowly and safely. When taken at the right dose and for long enough, the majority of stones in the kidneys should be broken down and excreted painlessly through the urine.

These herbs are:

  • Gravel root
  • Hydrangea root
  • Ginger root
  • Uva Ursi
  • Marshmallow
  • Dried Parsley leaf
  • Chanca Piedra
  • Celery Seed
  • Burdock Seed


Follow the instructions on one of these products. A kidney cleanse will often take several weeks, but not affect normal daily life.

Dr. Clark - Quick Kidney Health Protocol

Dr. Clark - Kidney Health Protocol

Herb Pharm - Stone Breaker