
Water is an essential component of life, and drinking clean water is fundamental to health. Tap water contains Fluorine, Chlorine, Pharmaceuticals, Heavy Metals, Plastics, Pesticides, and other harmful compounds which damage our body.

Fluorine has a dose dependent relationship with IQ, meaning the more you consume, the less intelligent you will be. This is especially true during critical stages of brain development, but even adults notice a clearing of “brain fog” when they cut out fluoride toothpaste and tap water. Fluorine and Chlorine also compete with Iodine in the body, leading to endocrine problems, most often hypothyroidism. Chlorine also kills micro organisms in your gut which majorly inhibits your immune system, serotonin production, and overall brain function.

Pharmaceuticals such as hormonal birth control are estrogens that affect both sexes negatively. Heavy metals accumulate in the body (unless you are following a detoxification plan, more on that later) and cause many toxicity issues that lead to otherwise “unexplainable” health problems. Microplastics are endocrine disruptors as well, leading to thyroid problems and imbalance of sex hormones as they mimic estrogen. Pesticides such as glyphosate and atrazine are powerful endocrine disruptors as well as carcinogens. Atrazine in streams and rivers is actually turning male amphibians into females because it has such a powerful estrogen mimicking effect. The sum of these estrogen mimickers is one reason for the feminization of modern men, where testosterone levels are well below half of what they were just 50 years ago.

This all sounds horrible, so what can you do? Do not drink tap water! Also, the carbon filters found in pitchers and refrigerators do not remove the vast majority of the damaging compounds. Only drink water that has been filtered by either Reverse Osmosis, Distillation, or Spring Water from an uncontaminated source. I installed a Reverse Osmosis filter in my basement and have it feeding my refrigerator so I get clean ice and water. Drink as much water as your body needs by drinking when you’re thirsty, but not out of plastic. Instead use glass, stainless steel, ceramic, or any other stable material.

This may seem minor, but start drinking high quality water and I bet you’ll feel the difference.